Well, the Gods of Something or Other were looking down on me because both boys cooperated. Not only did they cooperate, they played together. And nobody got hurt! Nobody cried!
I decided to hunt for a quick and easy dough since Daddy was going to be home in about an hour and I was hungry. My bowl of dry Cinnamon Toast Crunch didn't cut it for the day. (I should tell you that I have an affinity for Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Perhaps an unhealthy one. Clearly.) But, that's a story for
Before I dough searched, I chopped up my toppings. I was seriously hoping that I hadn't jumped the gun..
Cheese Please! (And mushrooms, and bacon, and onions...) |
Alas, I found the perfect dough recipe and it's so simple, I barely had to lift a cinnamon sugar coated finger!
Rise Up, Rise Up! |
Quick Pizza Dough
Adapted From: allrecipes.com
(Printable Recipe)
1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast (2 1/4 teaspoons)
1 teaspoon white sugar
1 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
2 1/2 cups bread flour (I used All-Purpose, worked out fine!)
2 tablespoons olive oil (I used Vegetable Oil, also worked fine.)
1 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). In a medium bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes. (Here's when the house starts to smell like a bakery, yum!)
Stir in flour, salt and oil. Beat until smooth. Let rest for 5 minutes. (Now, the dough had done nothing to me, so I didn't beat it per se, I stirred it with a wooden spoon and when it was good and raggedy looking, I floured my hands and started kneading it. I think it probably much preferred this method.)
Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and pat or roll into a round. (I did this step IN the bowl, and then caressed the round gingerly with a light coating of oil. Less mess on my counter. I didn't want to clean it. So there..)
I also left it to rest on the stovetop for what felt like 4 hours (Mommy time), but was really only half an hour in real-life.
Transfer crust to a lightly greased pizza pan or baker's peel dusted with cornmeal. (I greased the pan, next time I'll corn meal it. Turned out fine, I just want to see if there's a huge difference.)
My, what uneven (dough) balls you have.. |
Yes. YES.. |
Let baked pizza cool for 5 minutes before serving. (I'm guessing, like most pizzas, this is to set up the toppings so everything isn't wobbly and oozy. Yes, those are technical terms.. This was perfect because I turned our pizzas into Calzones. I topped half the dough round with sauce and toppings, folded one half onto itself, pinched it closed, and added vents to prevent a massive explosion in my oven. Again, with the cleaning.. I do enough around these parts.)
Anti-Explosion Vents.. |
Dinner was a success, what came out was a crunchy AND chewy crust, and not too dense. Next time, I think I'll add some garlic to the dough, just to give it some extra flavor. I'll probably sprinkly some parm on top too, just because I can.
Daddy's calzone was the size of a small country, G had an 8th of mine, and O ate cheese and Alpha-Ghetti. Everyone ate well.
Oh, Melty Cheese.. |
I think we have a weekly winner! Peet-zah!

Your blog is lovely! Great pictures and descriptions! :)
Thanks so much Amanda, that means a lot coming from such a seasoned food blogger! Slowly but surely I'll figure out how to get into the swing of things. I'll find my rhythm! :)